Small dictionary of developer terms
Terms like “API”, “Bug”, “Hosting”, “Frontend”, “Backend” and many others often leave those who communicate with web developers with a big question mark above their heads. In order not to appear completely ignorant in the eyes of IT professionals, many do not dare to ask the simplest question: “What does that mean?” Therefore, we bring you a small dictionary of the most common developer terms.
A page indexing error that usually occurs when trying to open a web page that does not exist. Why is it called 404? 404 HTTP is a status code used by the web server to describe this type of error.
It represents a draft of a problem and a way to solve it, it represents a set of operations needed to solve a task in a specific order.
API – Application Program Interface
API allows two different programs to communicate with each other by making certain parts of a website’s code available to developers. Using an API enables developers to use the work of other developers to write new complex code, with everyone using the same standards.
Adaptive/Responsive Design
Adaptive design creates a website in several different looks, each suitable for different screen sizes. Depending on the device used to access the website, the website will adapt and deliver the appropriate design.
Information about the elements of the component in the design/creation of your website.
Agile web development essentially refers to a certain way of working. In an agile team, web developers will work in weekly or bi-weekly sprints. A sprint usually consists of five phases: design, development, testing, implementation, and review.
All digital operations behind the scenes that are needed for the front-end of the website to work, such as coding, styling, and add-ons. If the front-end of your website is what the audience sees, the back-end drives what the audience sees.
A website error that prevents normal operation in accordance with expectations.
CMS – Content Management System
A program used to create and maintain the content of your website. It is usually designed for non-programmers for ease of use. Our personal favorite at DWizards is WordPress.
CRM – Customer Relationship Management
Software used for collecting, analyzing, and maintaining customer information.
CSS – Cascading Style Sheet
Code that tells the browser how to display a website to end-users. It pertains to formatting fonts, colors, and other visual elements.
CTA – Call to Action
“Buttons” on your website that encourage specific conversions or goals such as donations, newsletter signups, or user registrations.
When a bug occurs, it needs to be “debugged” – meaning identified and solved.
The website address as entered in the browser (ours is www.dwizards.agency). If the hosting company where your web project is located is like a house, the domain is its postal address.
A system for protecting a secure network from an insecure network.
A package of programs used in the development of websites or software.
The user interface of a website, or what the end-user sees and interacts with.
During the development of a web project, developers constantly change their code. Git allows you to track changes and undo them if necessary.
HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
A coding language used to create a website in terms of form and function.
Mobile-first is a web design and development approach that prioritizes mobile devices.
Modules or software that can be added to your system for additional functionality or features.
Automatic forwarding from one URL to another – typically from an old website URL to the same page on a new website. Other redirects can range from between two domains to short URLs to full URLs (e.g. bit.ly URLs).
A sketch of all the pages on a website, organized in hierarchical order.
UI Design
Refers to the design of the user interface, which includes screens and interactive touchpoints that make up a website or application. Swiping motions, scrollbars, and clickable buttons are all part of user interface design – basically everything that makes up the user interface.
UX Design
UX design refers to designing the user experience, which involves providing a smooth, user-friendly experience for the end-user as they navigate through a website or application.
The basic structure of a web page. It shows the layout of the page, how content should be arranged, which interface elements and navigation systems should be included, and how all these components work together. The focus is on functionality, not aesthetics.